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How old are you?


How did you write Ablem's?

I started writing the first draft in 2019 (when I was 15) for NaNoWriMo and it was God-awful. It started as a Lovecraftian horror story with shapeshifting aliens and an enormous heart underground. Dedicated to fixing it and transforming it, I spent the next year revising, editing, and revising some more. I queried it in the summer of 2020 to literary agents while moving hotel-to-hotel across the country. Being rejected a dozen times made me realize that I might be meant to pursue the independent route, so I published it independently in August of 2021.

What about the Ablem's Sanctuary sequel?

While it is complete and in need of heavy revision, I don't have a foreseeable date in mind for releasing the sequel. As I've gotten older, I've invested more time and energy into newer projects that better fit my mindset and writing style. I do hope sometime in the future to return to Ablem's Sanctuary, but as of now it's not in the cards!

Do you do signed copies?

No, or at least not now. I would love to try and do signed copies later next year when I can get my hands on some more copies. So it's not completely off the table. I do have an embosser... so perhaps.

What is your advice to young writers?

It's cliché but do your research about whatever you want to write. Research horror, romance, et cetera to find what is common and what isn't in your genre. On top of that, I highly recommend reading books in your genre to see how stories tend to unfold/how tension and drama are written into the story. The two books that dress me for success are My First Novel by Laura Whitcomb and Ann Rittenberg, and Save the Cat Writes a Novel by Jessica Brody.

Do you plan to traditionally publish?

Yes! I'd love to be a trad. published author (as most writers dream of) but I also value connection with individuals over the general public, so I definitely would love to build my platform independently before heading into the trenches again.

Any word on new projects?

My second novel, Angelgame, will be released sometime this year! It's a dystopian high-stakes thriller akin to The Hunger Games and Squidgame. So stay tuned for more information on that!

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